Helping Wealden's Street Scene Team help you

Published: 29 April 2020

The team investigate fly tipping incidents both on public and private land including the fly tipping of non-recyclable waste at the Neighbourhood Recycling Centres around the District. They are unable to arrange for the clearance of fly tips from private land.

It is important that any fly tip is not disturbed prior to the team visiting as crucial evidence may be destroyed.

If evidence is found within the rubbish by the team, action is taken where appropriate. This can range from a warning letter to full scale court prosecution.

The team is also able to assist with abandoned vehicles. These are vehicles that are untaxed and either unsecure in poor condition or unroadworthy. However, in the first instance these should be reported to Operation Crackdown at

Street Scene Officers have no powers to deal with parking issues or obstruction issues involving vehicles. The latter should be reported to the police using the non-emergency number 101.

The Street Scene Team will investigate both littering and dog fouling issues. Where the appropriate evidence is available, such as witness statements, we will take further action in the form of issuing warning letters or Fixed Penalty Notices as appropriate.

Dog patrols can also be set up in problem areas, subject to resources, to help catch and deter offenders.

It is important for all of these issues to be reported to the Street Scene Team as soon as possible to allow them to investigate.

To contact the team please email or call 01892 602 735