Local News

Fun Run

Published: 11 Jun 24

Roy Galley - Village meeting

Published: 7 Feb 24

9th February 2024 at the Coach and Horses 6-8pm

Planning the Vision

Published: 9 Nov 23

solar lighting

Published: 9 Nov 23

Bus shelters upgraded

Fun Run

Published: 18 May 23

11th June 2023

Election 2023

Published: 12 Apr 23

Information on those standing for election

Annual Meeting Parish

Published: 27 Feb 23

There will be a public meeting on 19th April 2023 from 7:30pm at Chelwood Gate Village Hall. James Adler from Ashdown Forest will be the guest speaker.

BBC Any questions

Published: 20 Feb 23

Robin Wood

Published: 9 Nov 22

It is with great sadness that the Council has to report the passing of our councillor Robin Wood. He was a community minded man who was involved with the Chelwood Gate Village Hall, library, newsletter and reported on footpaths and litter picking. He will be missed.

Memorial Wall Update September 2022

Published: 29 Sep 22

Delay to completion of the Wall

Queen Elizabeth II

Published: 9 Sep 22

Message from Chairman Nigel Hogg

Playground Works

Published: 14 Jun 22

Start this week

Memorial Wall - update June 2022

Published: 14 Jun 22

Stone will be delivered shortly ..

Memorial Wall - update June 2022

Published: 14 Jun 22

Stone will be delivered shortly ..

Memorial Wall - update June 2022

Published: 14 Jun 22

Stone will be delivered shortly ..

Co - Option

Published: 14 Jun 22

Help needed


Published: 14 Jun 22


Published: 14 Jun 22

Speed Indicator Devices

Memorial Wall - update May 2022

Published: 25 May 22

war memorial wall

Published: 4 May 22

Works have commenced. We await a completion date. We will post further updates in due course.

Annual Meeting Parish

Published: 19 Apr 22

20th April 2022

Spring Clean

Published: 24 Feb 22

Volunteers required 2nd April from 9:30am


Published: 18 Oct 21

war memorial part 2

Published: 15 Sep 21

following a 2nd crash a week later the Council insurers are progressing the claim.

Danehill and Chelwood Gate Climate Action Group

Published: 15 Sep 21


war memorial wall

Published: 9 Aug 21

The Council are aware of the collision.

A275 and ESCC Response

Published: 9 Aug 21

Face to face meetings

Published: 14 Jul 21

These will commence again from today. Social distancing and masks compulsory.

Duke of Edinburgh

Published: 12 Apr 21

Climate Group - Facebook

Published: 12 Apr 21

New Facebook group for local climate initiatives supported by the Parish Council.

Cllr Vacancy

Published: 14 Jan 21

We have a vacancy for a parish cllr if you are local, enjoy being involved in your community get in touch

Covid Grant

Published: 14 Jan 21

We have a hardship fund for parishioners hit by the effects of covid please contact the Clerk in confidence in the first instance.

Bins and planning

Published: 11 Nov 20

An update from WDC

Remembrance Update

Published: 4 Nov 20

Message from the Vicar..

Danehill and Chelwood Gate - climate action plan

Published: 21 Oct 20

Climate change group

New Website

Published: 24 Sep 20

Healthy Wealden Website launch

Telecommunications Mast

Published: 24 Sep 20

update on planning application

Solar initiative

Published: 24 Sep 20

Wealden District Council is working with partner authorities across Sussex to help residents install solar panels and/or battery storage at a reduced cost.

Telecommunications Mast

Published: 17 Aug 20

For information on the pre application consultation see attached plan.

Operation Crackdown

Published: 29 Apr 20

Partnership between councils and Police

Sussex Police Funding 2018-2022

Published: 29 Apr 20

Information and survey


Published: 29 Apr 20

Danehill PC now has a Facebook page!

Wealden District Council News and Information

Published: 29 Apr 20

See below for WDC guidance on bonfires and for more information click to their website to see how you can contact them if you are regularly affected.

Parish Council Survey Results

Published: 29 Apr 20

Here are the results from two recent surveys

Helping Wealden's Street Scene Team help you

Published: 29 Apr 20

Wealden District Council has a Street Scene Team of three officers who often work closely with the Parish and Town Councils to resolve issues such as Fly Tipping, Abandoned Vehicles, Littering and Dog Fouling.

2019 Christmas Tree Festival

Published: 29 Apr 20

Images from the festival available.

Local Housing

Published: 29 Apr 20

Information on local housing available