BBC Any questions

Published: 20 February 2023

Any Questions? Live from Danehill Memorial Hall, School Lane, Danehill, East Sussex. FRIDAY, 17 MARCH 2023 DOORS OPEN 18.30 Topical discussion in which a panel of personalities from politics, media and elsewhere are posed questions by the audience. Hosted by Alex Forsyth of the BBC. Your chance to ask a question and influence the national debate on BBC Radio 4’s Any Questions? Written questions accepted at the Hall from 18.30 to 19.15 on the day. Doors open 18.30 pm Please be seated by 19.15 pm. At 19.45 Questioners called to the front row. From 20.00 to 20.50 BBC Radio 4 News live, then Any Questions? Refreshments available. TICKETS ARE FREE BUT LIMITED. APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON 28 FEBRUARY. APPLY NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! Contact Danehill Memorial Hall: Chairman on 0793 1378707 or or Secretary on 0747 0137336 or Please return tickets, if you are subsequently unable to attend.